Islam is the religion of Peace, Love, Harmony
and Tolerance. The Holy Book of Almighty Allah “Al-Quran” also teaches the same
for the entire humanity in various place quoted in the respected verse. Ramadan-al-Kareem
is one of the Holy Months of religion Islam. In this month, Muslims from all
over the globe keep Fast from the time of Dawn to Dusk; probably know as the
time from the “Call of Fajr” till the “Call of Maghrib”.
Fasting in Ramadan teaches us the Patience,
Peace, Tolerance, Serving Humanity and above all Taqwa (Fear of Almighty Allah
SWT). Despite of all, what a Muslim portrays the image during Fast in today’s
time is unfortunately, in-tolerance, in-justice to Humanity, creating panic, rush & hassle e.t.c. However, this has never been the part of Islam nor favourable
for Muslims.
Today, what we need to learn is Patience in
every walk of life. In Holy Quran, Allah (SWT) says;
“Indeed, Allah is
with the Patient”
Regardless of this all, in Ramadan, we often see the particular rise
in Road accidents, clashes, use of abusive language, harsh behaviour, lack of Patience and Peace among everyone e.t.c, however, how we should act upon
is totally opposite. We should help the needy; ignore such harsh behaviour or any sort
of intolerance, act upon the teachings of Quran and Sunnah. Our assertion shall be
the invitation to others towards the religion not the contrary.
positive attitude of Patience and Peace is most required in these special days
of Ramadan, so as to serve the humanity and ourselves too with the blessings of
Almighty Lord. May Allah bless us with Peace, Patience and Harmony among every human
being. Ameen!
Written By:
Salman Ahmed
Salman Ahmed